

Shining Results of Early College Admissions


National Universities Acceptance Rate: 78.57%

國立大學 第一順位錄取率84.61%

National Universities 1st Choice Acceptance Rate: 84.61%


Private Universities Acceptance Rate: 76.00%

私立大學 第一順位錄取率93.33%

Private Universities 1st Choice Acceptance Rate: 93.33%


National Acceptance Rate: 62.71%

探索星辰,追尋夢想。 恭喜葳高學生入取繁星,提早領取大學的入學門票,葳格以核心素養為主軸,結合跨域性課程、開放學生自主選課,透過自主學習來充實強化自我提升,如自我評估、擬訂計畫、規劃執行、整合應用資源、反思與調整 、成果發表,達成自我探索,生涯定向、發現學習意義,開展自我成為學習的主體。

Congratulations to the students of Wagor High School for being admitted!  By exploring the stars and pursuing their dreams, they have received early admission tickets to universities. Wagor High School focuses on core competencies, combines interdisciplinary courses and open student course selection, and enriches and strengthens self-improvement through self-directed learning, such as self-evaluation, plan formulation, execution planning, resource integration and application, reflection and adjustment, and result presentation. This helps students achieve self-exploration, career orientation, discover the meaning of learning, and develop themselves into learning subjects.

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