【自力造筏橫渡日月潭 】


Self-made Rafting Across Sun Moon Lake

葳格歷年的自力造筏兩天一夜的探索課程活動以索體驗學習模式(Outward Bound School 簡稱 OBS)方式規劃,從最開始的前置準備與練習到實戰,透過多元的體驗式活動來建立團隊精神,引發創意思考、發揮團隊績效,開創團隊運作新契機,其中活動體驗內容包含晚會、分站活動、野炊、搭設帳篷等活動,除了提供學生從中學習和挑戰自我的機會外,也增進同儕彼此之間的感情和了解。

本次的自力造筏兩天一夜的探索課程活動能圓滿結束, 非常感謝國中部家長會長及家長委員會的大力支持,國中部陳會長比照去年度全程陪同參與其中,不畏辛苦只為讓每位學生能夠盡情的享受體驗過程,再次感謝家長委員會的大力支持,不管是實際的經費支持或活動的參與付出,都是葳格與葳格學子堅強的後盾,讓學校活動更加圓滿,相信這次的活動體驗讓每位學生都滿載而歸,收穫滿滿!!

The annual two-day, one-night self-built raft exploration program at Wagor High School is designed in the Outward Bound School (OBS) experiential learning model. Starting from the pre-preparation and practice to the actual battle, through various experiential activities to establish teamwork, promote creative thinking, and team performance. The activity experience includes evening parties, station activities, picnics, and tent construction, providing students with opportunities to learn and challenge themselves and enhance mutual feelings and understanding among peers.

 The program ended successfully, and the school thanked the strong support of the junior high school parent association and the parent committee, especially the chairman Chen, who accompanied the students throughout the program. The school believed that every student had a fulfilling experience and a fruitful harvest.

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