



我認為葳格體系培養的不僅僅是學生的語文能力,最主要的是培養了我們勇於表現的態度。過去的12年中,能夠參加活動的機會比比皆是,這也顯現學校非常重視我們的個人表現。我最印象深刻的活動是Wagor Talk,每個年級中會選出一位英文演講者,而學校會提供主題,其餘的就讓代表演講者自由發揮。那年我獲得的主題是「Resilience 韌性」,在寫稿的過程中我開始自我探索,認識自己是如何被韌性所影響的。有一句英文諺語叫「You need to fail before succeed.」 意思是「人在成功之前不免有失敗的時候,唯有認知自己的錯誤才可以嚐到成功的滋味。」 這也是我一直牢記在心的一段話。


Hello everyone, I am Ian. Attending the Wagor system from a young age has given me a solid foundation in English and fostered a love for reading extracurricular books, which ignited my passion for literature. I believe that both original English books and Chinese books have their own strengths. However, original English novels tend to be more uninhibited and wild, reflecting the free-spirited and unrestrained nature of American literature.

Nowadays, there are increasingly diverse admission pathways for students. These range from the Special Admission Program, which doesn’t require standardized test scores, to the Star Project, which is simpler because it doesn’t require interviews or extensive application materials. Then there's the Individual Application, which allows for the choice of six different departments, and the subject-specific tests, which require continued effort even after most peers have already secured university spots, demanding strong willpower. Ultimately, I chose the Star Project for its straightforward process, which played to my strengths as my academic ranking within the school was relatively high.

I believe the Wagor system not only enhances students' language abilities but also primarily cultivates a bold attitude towards self-expression. Over the past 12 years, there have been countless opportunities to participate in various activities, reflecting the school’s emphasis on individual expression. The activity that left the deepest impression on me was Wagor Talk. Each grade selects an English speaker, and the school provides a theme while allowing the speaker to freely develop their speech. The year I participated, the theme I received was "Resilience." During the process of writing my speech, I began a journey of self-discovery, understanding how resilience had shaped me. There's an English proverb that says, "You need to fail before you succeed," meaning that one must experience failure before achieving success. Recognizing one's mistakes is the key to tasting the sweetness of success. This has been a guiding principle for me.

Finally, I want to advise my juniors: "Try new things and experiences that you haven't encountered before. This way, when it's time to choose a major in college, you won't feel lost."

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