今年暑假,我們的學生從臺灣走出去,到澳洲進行為期3週的遊學之旅 這學期,我們讓世界走進來,經由李海碩總校長邀請到昆士蘭大學的Dr. Gurion Ang,為同學們帶來一場全英文的互動工作坊
活動主題 ”Pokemon: Are they biologically possible?” 透過解剖學和生理學的比較,同學們不僅要辨識出特定「寶可夢」在現實世界中相對應的生物,還要探討寶可夢在生物學上存在的可行性 最後延伸出蝴蝶翅膀鱗片的奈米結構,以及娃娃魚幹細胞再生的概念,拓展同學們對於生態學和動物學的視野 同時增加了對環境科技領域的認識
昆士蘭大學於今年的QS世界大學排名在第43位,是澳洲最優秀的大學之一 我們期待和更多頂尖名校搭起友誼的橋樑,暢通葳格學子國內、外雙軌升學之路
Developing Leaders with Global Impact
Through the invitation of our Superintendent, Mr. Lee, we had the honor of welcoming Dr. Gurion Ang from the University of Queensland to deliver an all-English interactive workshop for our students.
The workshop's theme, "Pokemon: Are They Biologically Possible?" involved comparing anatomy and physiology, where students not only identified the features of real-world animals corresponding to those of specific Pokémon but also explored the biological feasibility of these Pokémon. The session extended into discussions about the nanostructures of butterfly wing scales and the regenerative stem cells of axolotls, broadening students' horizons in ecology and zoology, while also enhancing their understanding of environmental technology.
This year, the University of Queensland ranked 43rd in the QS World University Rankings, making it one of Australia's top universities. We look forward to building bridges with more prestigious institutions, creating pathways for Wagor students to pursue higher education both domestically and internationally.