|Halloween Spooktacular|
又到了一年一度的萬聖節 葳格中學部師生總動員「搞鬼搞怪」
活動重頭戲走秀派對 開場由熱音社的演出揭開序幕,兩首歌曲炒熱現場氣氛參賽者的裝扮各個卯足全力,令人看了目不轉睛 中、西方鬼怪齊聚一堂,比拚創意、造型完整度和舞台表現 為活動掀起高潮 恭喜以下獲獎同學
第一名801 簡苡安
第二名702 黃楷耀/陳昕
第二名普二乙 顏宥任/李宥臻
第三名701 孫馨
佳作普一甲 劉宇恩
佳作普二甲 曾宣涵
張祝芬校長對於同學們的認真投入給予高度肯定,並勉勵大家繼續走在使用英文的道路上 感謝家委員會給予本次活動強大的支持,贊助禮物和走秀獎金,為這甜甜的節日劃下最完美的句點
It's that time of year again—Halloween is here! Wagor Junior High students and teachers are all dressed up today!
Wagor's Foreign Language Department has meticulously planned a Western-style Halloween carnival, designing English-only game stations that make learning fun. These activities help students improve their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, while also fostering teamwork .
The highlight of the event, the Costume Runway Party, kicked off with a lively performance by the school's rock band, setting the stage with two upbeat songs . The participants’ costumes were incredibly impressive, holding everyone’s attention . Both Eastern and Western-spooky creatures gathered to compete in creativity, costume detail, and stage presence , bringing the event to an exciting climax .
The Principal highly praised the students for their enthusiastic participation and encouraged them to continue their journey of using English . A special thanks to the PTA for their strong support, as well as for sponsoring gifts and prizes, making this sweet holiday end on a perfect note .