今年,我們一共募集$79,250元及發票一批,善款將支持愛心年菜以及長年照顧服務項目, 希望拋磚引玉,讓愛與善行傳遞到更多需要幫助的地方。
As the Lunar New Year approaches, while we experience the joys of family reunions, many elderly individuals living alone face the challenges of solitude and a lack of resources.
We sincerely thank all the students, faculty, and parents for your enthusiastic participation . This year, the we raised a total of $79,250 and collected a batch of receipts, which were donated to the Huashan Social Welfare Foundation . The funds will support New Year's charity meals and long-term care service projects.
We hope this initiative will inspire more acts of kindness, spreading love and goodwill to those in need.