2024 Christmas Celebration

2024 Christmas Celebration 

活動 1: 聖誕想叮噹!
Activity 1: Unleash the Superpower of Your Imagination

  • 任務 1 / Task 1:
    運用外語部提供的四格漫畫模板,創作你的聖誕奇蹟故事!故事需以 至少100字英文 完成。
    Use the 4-panel comic strip template provided by the Foreign Language Department to create your own Christmas miracle story! The story must be written in at least 100 words in English.
     四格漫畫下載連結 / Comic Template Download Link: 點此下載 / Click Here to Download

  • 任務 2 / Task 2:
    使用 Canva 或 Pages 等軟體設計一張 聖誕賀卡,包含至少 一張圖片與100字英文文字。請設定尺寸為 16:9
    Use tools like Canva or Pages to design a Christmas card with at least one image and 100 words in English. Set the size to 16:9.


截止時間 / Submission Deadline:
請於 12/22(日 / Sunday) 前上傳作品至 Google 表單。
Submit your work by 12/22 (Sunday) through the Google Form.

Google 表單上傳連結 / Submission Link: 點此上傳 / Click Here to Submit

驚喜獎勵 / Surprise Rewards:
完成以上任一項任務的前三十名者,即可獲得參加獎小禮物!聖誕節當天將抽出 10名幸運兒,贏取神秘好禮!
The first 30 participants to complete any of the tasks above will receive a small participation gift! On Christmas Day, 10 lucky winners will be drawn to win special prizes!



活動 2: 聖誕知識沒有極限!
Activity 2: Unlimited Christmas Knowledge!

活動時間 / Date & Time:
12/25(二 / Tuesday) 第一、二、三節下課 / During breaks after the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd periods

 活動地點 / Location:

一樓外語部外走廊 / Hallway outside the Foreign Language Department on the 1st floor

活動規則 / Rules:
現場報名參加,每組 15人額滿 即開始比賽。挑戰外師主持的 True or False 聖誕知識問答
Sign up on-site to participate. Each group will start when 15 participants are registered. Compete in a True or False Christmas Quiz hosted by our foreign teachers!

大獎等你拿 / Exciting Prizes:
The winner of each session will receive a mystery prize!

Join us and make this Christmas unforgettable!